Learnings & Conclusion
Agile frameworks just work when teams are aligned on the way of working and most importantly when they are committed to continuously challenge and test their ideas and move forward rapidly.
I was instrumental in the discovery, testing, and delivery of design phases, working closely with a cross-functional team on several features such as Project Management, 3D Models, and Spare Parts. These initiatives significantly improved productivity for those creating documentation.
With the help of Artificial Intelligence, 3D CAD Models of industrial machines could be used to identify Spare Parts and their properties easily. Spare Parts Assist is a Web-based B2B App which could be used by any manufacturer to identify and assign Spare Parts to a machine, which could be used further for Mainteanance documentation the Spare Parts Shop.
Identifying similar or identical parts shared between different models could save time and reduce human-error when creating documentation for spare parts for industrial machines.
Want to work together or just say hi?
The development of a B2B product involved close collaboration with a German train machine manufacturer interested in the product, utilizing ideation workshops and user tests to identify and solve key issues.
Machines were built with hierarchy. E.g. a train could have sections, with modules, with groups of parts or single parts.
3D Models were key files to get data to visualize those parts and those hierarchies.
Some parts would be sold as single parts and some as a group.
Some parts had a fix date of change.
A machine's 3D Models contains important and detailed data that could potentially be used for better identifying Spare Parts and their properties.
We parted from writing User Stories to start the creation of wireframes to illustrate the user journeys. These were based on the previous conversations and workshops. Then we created functional prototypes to test them with potential users to get their feedback.
We presented and tested regularly the prototypes with potential clients before building the features. This was an iterative process in order to gain more feedback with every feature.
Manufacturers create whole new sets of documentation for mainteanance for every new modell, even though different models share many similarities. Documentation processes could be shortened when using data smartly.
Spare Parts Assist
Giving machines a second life by simplifying processes for maintenance
Machines are complex and the work around their maintenance too. In this case, identifying spare-parts from machines for their selling is a time-consuming Sisyphus task.
Target user
Industry machine- manufacturers and owners
Product Designer • I contributed in the ideation, design and delivery of features of the Web App
Philipp Noll, Frederik Guenther, Lukas Wollman, Victor Kostyuk, Adrian Wysocki, Abdul Ahad, Aditya Chudhari, Nikita Makeev
Competitor Analysis • Research • Ideation • Concept design • UI, UX, Design Systems, User stories, User flows, Wireframing, Cross-functional collaboration, Problem solving • 3D
Figma • Gira • Confluence • AutoCAD